Service Support # 9-1905 PROBLEM: When the Part 2 of the developer has turned darker than usually observed. Is the developer acceptable to use? DISCUSSION: The various T2 Developers have... read more →
Many Federal, State and local authorities have concerns for any chemicals that may enter the public drains, sewers, or other land drainage systems. Such effluents may have an adverse effect... read more →
The figures given are only guidelines developed from experience. The projected life values for these products are for chemicals stored in their unopened, original containers at temperatures between 18° and... read more →
(NON HAZARDOUS) Contents: 110 grams per sealed pouch Directions: Rinse tank & racks thoroughly with water. Empty one pouch of cleaner into ½ gallon container and fill with warm-hot water. Use cleaner as... read more →
Service Support # 12-2203 PROBLEM: How do you prevent freezing of developer in wintertime, and what to do if frozen. DISCUSSION: Developer and other x-ray chemicals are prone to freezing... read more →
Click below to the Recommended Time/Temperature Chart and Processing Guidelines.